學校要聞 2013-05-07

Recognition for the Supervising Teachers of Triumphant Student Clubs

The National Intercollegiate Student Club Evaluation is an annual event that gives student clubs an open canvas to show their feats and achievements over the academic year. It is also a chance to observe and learn, to sense what works, to lend and borrow structures that reap results. This year, out of 285 student clubs, societies, and associations from universities across Taiwan, two TKU clubs were recognized for excellence. One was the Pingtung Student Alumni Association, which received an Exceptional Club Award in the autonomous student association category. The other was the TKU Student Choir, which was conferred an Outstanding Club Award.

To celebrate the efforts of the supervising teachers who guided these students throughout the semester, TKU issued the supervisors with certificates of appreciation. The President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, commented: "I'm very grateful to these teachers for promoting and helping to organize student club activities, and for all the hard work they invest behind the scenes".

NO.893 | 更新時間:2013-05-07 | 點閱:1185 | 下載:

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