學校要聞 2013-05-20

An Ideal Sythesis of Academia and Business

The Department of International Tourism Management, Lanyang Campus, recently got together with local business to promote the beauty of the local Linmei environment. Linmei is a village situated in Chiao-Hsi City, Yilan. As part of the initiative, students from the Department filmed a 5-minute documentary on a breathtaking hiking trail that runs through Linmei. The film is now being used as a tourism promotional video by major businesses in the local Yilan region.

The Chair of the Department, Dr. Chien Mu Yeh, noted that the Department not only holds international-level events and iniatives, it also helps to promote the local environment, while allowing students to gain extra, real-life experience, and go beyond the limits of textbook-based teaching.

NO.894 | 更新時間:2013-05-20 | 點閱:1292 | 下載:

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