學校要聞 2013-05-20

Former Student Sings Praise for Lanyang

Department of International Tourism Management (Lanyang Campus) alumna, Ou Yuan-lan, recently posted an article on her Facebook page praising the education she received at Lanyang, and saying that it gave her "skills and courage".

In her fourth year of studies, Yuan-lan took a course on casino management. After graduating, she traveled to Perth, Australia, and found work at a local casino popular among backpackers. In a recent FB post, entitled "Thank you Lanyang Campus for giving me skills and courage! Thank you!", she recounted her journey, starting from the Lanyang Campus: "At first, it was really difficult adjusting to the Lanyang format of English-taught courses. And under the Junior Year Abroad program, I had to pay for a year of study overseas, which was also a challenge. But I'm so happy I made the decision to study at Lanyang!"

NO.894 | 更新時間:2013-05-20 | 點閱:1088 | 下載:

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