學校要聞 2014-03-25

TKU Has the Honor of Receiving the EPA Award For the Third Time

【Reported by Wen-yuan Zheng, Tamkang Times】Due to the lengthy amount of time the university has invested in environmental education while also implementing various environmental protection policies, this year TKU is once again rewarded with the EPA Environmental Award. This makes TKU the first and only institute in the history of Taiwan to receive this award, not to mention three consecutive times. In addition, the Annual Enterprises Environmental Protection Award will also be awarded to this university. In the morning on November 6th, President Flora Chia-I Chang had the honor of meeting Vice President of Taiwan Wu Den Yi at the award ceremony. Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan Kao, received the EPA award in representation of the university.

The Dean of General Affairs, Xiao-xian Luo, stated that being the first and only school to receive this award has great meaning. The entire faculty has put forward a tremendous amount of effort and time involving environmental protection, making TKU stand out amongst many great institutes. Many members of our staff are from an older generation, therefore to receive this honorable award we have had to emphasize challenging ourselves, slowly adapting and implementing a modern education of quality and conduct. Xiao-xian Luo stated it has been a step by step process of adopting the new environmentally friendly lifestyle into the school’s daily routine. Now at Tamkang, environmental protection and education has become the root that has grown into all of our lives and we are one step closer to making a lasting impact on society.

Po-yuan Kao stated, “Our wish is to be able to cultivate students with a significant amount of knowledge regarding the environment. For the students to learn it well, the teachers must first become familiar with it, which will eventually spread it throughout the veins of society. What will begin as a form of education will eventually become habits in our daily life. This is the epitome of TKU’s education of good conduct.

NO.906 | 更新時間:2014-03-25 | 點閱:1212 | 下載:

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