【Reported by Jia-wen Lin, Tamkang Times】The 9th annual Alumni Conference has been moved to Hualian. Even though it took place in a different location, there was no loss of enthusiasm. On the 5th of November every gathered together in Hualian University to carry out this year’s alumni exchange. Executive Director of the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development, Chun-young Perng, expressed, “The alumni are gathering more influence each day. President of the Board of Trustees of the Better Chemistry Better Life, Ding-chuan Chen, will promote many more university exchanges and activities.”
President Flora Chia-I Chang was in attendance along with former Tamkang University Presidents. President Chang expressed her gratitude to the alumni for all of their effort given throughout the year before formally beginning the discussion. For this year’s conference they discussed the future development of Tamkang University through maintaining the Spirit of Excellence while creating an even more internationally-oriented educational system. President Chang then handed out 21 certificates of appreciation, recognizing the efforts of individual alumni. At the end of the discussion the conference focused on the development of the Shou Chien International Conference Hall.
| 更新時間:2014-03-25
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