學聲大代誌 2014-03-25

The Architecture Building Has Makeover

【Reported by Jing-zhuang, Tamkang Times】Starting from November 7th the Architecture Building will be redecorated for a three-day intern course. It will be a display to showcase the Department of Architectures different designs. Assistant professor, Wei-han Tseng, stated, “The theme of this event is to use lots of colors. Everyone is very attracted to different colors and contrasts and we want to teach students how to use magnificent colors in their designs. It should also give all of the students a refreshing feeling to walk through the building.”

The curriculum has been divided into three separate parts: Color unity, Space Utilization and Online Attacks. The Color unity course requests that students wear color coordinated clothing and move in organized patterns. The Space Utilization course will allow students to use materials to design the inside of the building in different creative ways. The Online Attack course will show students how to utilize different online media platforms to communicate ideas. Wei-han Tseng pointed out, “The three different courses will let students have a better understanding of the importance of color vs. space. First-year student from the Department of Architecture, Yi-ni Lin, stated, “We have used 108 colored balloons to help us with our illustration of colors and space.”

NO.906 | 更新時間:2014-03-25 | 點閱:958 | 下載:

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