學聲大代誌 2014-03-25

International Student Welcoming Party at TKU

【Reported by Tian-ran Xia, Tamkang Times】On November 9th the International and Mainland Guidance Section held the “2013 Welcoming Party for International Students” in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. In attendance were over 230 students from all different countries. Also in attendance was Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, Dean of International Affairs, Pei-wha ChiLee, Dean of the International and Mainland Guidance Section, Pei-fen Chen and many other professors and student advisors.

Wan-chin Tai stated, “Even though we have held this event before, we still need to consider all of the new students who are still adjusting to the environment so lets give them a big welcome. This is a great opportunity for the older students to interact and have an exchange with the many new students. This event usually has a lasting impression on all of the participants.”

In the welcoming atmosphere, all of the students were able to have a considerably good time enjoying each others company. First year Fujian student from the Department of Insurance, Wei-yui Hu, stated, “All of the food was really delicious and there are so many beautiful Taiwanese girls here. It’s a wonderful atmosphere at Tamkang University. Every time I wake up, I feel so blessed to be at this school.”

NO.906 | 更新時間:2014-03-25 | 點閱:1099 | 下載:

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