學聲大代誌 2014-05-02

2014 Student Organization Teacher Discussion

【Reported by Bo-jun Zhuang, Tamkang Times 】The Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section invited counselors and teachers of student organizations for the “2014 Student Organization Teacher Discussion” on April 23rd. Altogether there were 108 individuals including Dean of Academic Affairs, Chih-en Ko. Chieh-en Ko first expressed his gratitude to all of the student organization teachers from every department. He stated, “The promotion of accredited student groups has helped tremendously with student development and with TKU’s growth as a whole. Currently the space for the student groups isn’t adequate, but renovations are underway that will provide 28 offices for the student organizations to utilize and sufficient space for a comfortable atmosphere for all needed activities.” Dean of the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section, Su-kuan Chiang, gave a current report of the status of all of the student groups along with a detailed description of each curriculum.

There were various issues that were raised during the discussion: student group operations problems due to poor communication with department heads, the exchange program in Japan for the Kendo club and student organization issues with insufficient funding. There were also many suggestions made that could be done to help the advancement of many activities: strengthening student interaction by having teachers and group leaders share their experience, obtaining certifications, creating more opportunities for volunteer work to enrich the experience of the students, and seeking additional funding assistance,

NO.929 | 更新時間:2014-05-02 | 點閱:921 | 下載:

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