新聞萬花筒 2014-05-09

Discussions of the Chinese Trade Agreement Take Place at TKU

【Reported by Bo-jun Zhuang, Jin-yu Cai, Qian-jing Chen, Yi-mei Chen, Tamkang Times】Last week there five different discussions held at TKU pertaining to the Chinese trade agreement issue. April 29th the Graduate Instituted of Future Studies invited Adjunct Associate Professor of Law from the Department of Law, Kuo-chang Huang, to give lecture on the members of the parliament. A great amount of people gathered for the event and there were also 3000 online viewers. Kuo-chang Huang stated, “The democratic system of Taiwan lacks transparency which neglects the views and rights of the people in the community. This trade incident is a direct result of poor communication of government policies and the general public.

Third year student of the Department of Chinese, Wei-ru Chen, stated, “This lecture really gave me a deeper understanding of the parliament. After the Chinese trade controversy, I’ve been determined to become more involved with political situations like many other youth.”

The Graduate Institute of China Studies invited Deputy Minister from the Mainland Affairs Council, Steve Lin, to give a lecture on “The Cross Strait Trade Agreement and the Ideal Vision.” Over one hundred students and teachers attended the lecture as Steve Lin expressed, “It is beneficial for Taiwan to put restrictions on the trade agreement between China.“ Third-year student of the Department of Public Administration, Bo-yi Cai, stated, “For anything to be done properly there must be an effective communication between the government and the people. The government must truly listen to the opinion of the people.”

NO.930 | 更新時間:2014-05-09 | 點閱:971 | 下載:

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