新聞萬花筒 2014-05-09

Pei-tsun Hau Gives Historical Account of Sino-Japanese War

【Reported by Yu-xuan Zhou, Tamkang Times】Last month on April 29th the College of International Studies invited former President of the Executive Yuan, Pei-tsun Hau to give a lecture explaining the Second Sino-japanese War. The students had the opportunity to absorb and benefit from the invaluable information of this speech before beginning their required readings on the subject in their courses. Pei-tsun Hau lectured and shared his historical writings and experience with the observers that relished the rare details of the subject. Wan-chin Tai stated, “I want to give a special thanks to Pei-tsun Hau for providing such a wonderful historical account. Most young people can only learn this material from a textbook these days. It is truly an honor and a rare opportunity to hear a first hand account of how things unfolded.”

NO.930 | 更新時間:2014-05-09 | 點閱:991 | 下載:

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