學校要聞 2014-05-20

Tamkang University Works with ERP 2014 Accredited Undergraduate Informational Professional Application Program

【Reported by Ying-zhen Lu, Qi-zhuo, Tamkang Times】Tamkang University’s College of Business and Management, College of Engineering and College of Liberal Arts are working together with Enterprize Research Planning (ERP) to promote the “Accredited Undergraduate Informational Professional Application Program.” There was an event held on May 9th to describe the details of the project that attracted over 120 participants. In attendance was Dean of the College of Business and Management, Chien-liang Chiu, Dean of the College of Engineering, Chii-dong Ho, and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sinn-cheng Lin. Chien-liang Chiu stated in his speech, “It’s difficult these days for graduating students to find their place in the career world. This training course will bridge that gap, immediately putting graduates on their road to success.” Manager of ERP, Jing-yi Wang, stated, “The Chairperson of the Board of ERP and the executive director are Tamkang University Alumni, so we are all excited about the possibilities of what this cooperation will bring in the future.”

During the meeting, details of the course schedule times and requirements were explained. Chien-liang Chiu promised to do everything in his power to meet the needs of senior students interested in taking the course. The course will consist of 21 credits and ERP has arranged for a visit on the 22nd of this month. More information can be found on link: (http://tinyurl.com/o78pc8e).

NO.931 | 更新時間:2014-05-20 | 點閱:1079 | 下載:

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