新聞萬花筒 2014-05-20

Works of Art Revolution Taipei Displayed At Black Swan Exhibition Hall

【Reported by An-jia Chen, Yi-mei Chen, Tamkang Times】Last week Tamsui Campus was filled with Chinese culture as the Department of Chinese held an exhibition displaying works of A.R.T (Art Revolution Taipei) at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall. The event attracted crowds of people in celebration of the 30th Annual Five Tiger Literary Awards. Well known poets brought their students to observe the “Action Poems”. Action poetry is not a performance, but more of a reflection of lifestyle. The event attracted participants from 50 different junior colleges.

The participants contentedly observed the works of A.R.T as students, teachers and artists looked into the profound layers of Chinese traditional art. The area was arrayed with works of professionals, students along with a multitude of different achievements. Second year student of the Department of Chinese, Li-zhi Chen, stated, “Getting an understanding of things you thought you understood for the first time, is quite an experience.” The Five Tiger Literary Awards included 48 participants in the Poetry group, 38 participants in the Editing group, 39 participants in the Essay group, and 25 participants in the Novelist group. Fourth year student of the Chinese Department, Nian-ci Lin, was the winner of both the Novelist group and the Essay group. Well known author Wen-yin Zhong expressed, “I really enjoy the writing style of this young writer. The viewpoint that daughters have of their father is quite special and unique. This makes the description of the events very colorful in the way they unfold.”

At the end of the event, 26 artists were select of 45 different poets to be awarded for their works. Details of the awards can be found on link: (http://www.poetrys.org/phpbb2/index.php).

NO.931 | 更新時間:2014-05-20 | 點閱:1155 | 下載:

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