學校要聞 2014-05-23

2014 Europe Day

【Reported by Qi Zhuo, Yi-mei Chen, Xin-yu Wang, Tamkang Times】The Graduate Institute of European Studies and the Center for European Union Studies held the 2014 Europe Day on May 8th. In attendance was Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, and Deputy Head of European Economic and Trade Office,Viktoria Lövenberg. Wan-chin Tai expressed, “This university offers the only European doctoral program in Asia. This institute has produced many successful graduates and we are quite proud of all of their outstanding achievements. In the future I look forward to continuing our partnership and I’m sure it will continue to be fruitful.”

Director of the Center for European Union Studies, Chiu-ching Kuo, mentioned that he was happy to see all of the great progress made by the language students. Afterwards there was a musical concert with a stunning performance. Special guests were invited and lit up the air with a breathtaking performance. Afterwards scholarships were presented to student of the Center for European Studies to Yi-jie Li and Wen-ci Li from the Department of English, Yan-pu Yang from the Department of German, Wei-yun Shu from the Department of French, and Jia-ru Cai from the Department of Spanish.

NO.932 | 更新時間:2014-05-23 | 點閱:1089 | 下載:

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