新聞萬花筒 2014-06-03

Study Abroad Exhibition Takes Place at Black Swan

The Division of Continuing Education held the International Youth Group’s “Tamkang University Study Abroad Global Village Display” at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall on May 19th. To set things off the International Youth Group had a stunning dance performance to captivate observers. Then Dean of the Extension Education Center, Hsiang-hua Chou, expressed, “I hope that this display would give students a good idea of schools outside of our university and our country.” Head of the International Youth group and second-year student of the Department of English, Ting-xuan Huang, stated, “The theme of this display is World Stage- The way you are. It means that you must be brave enough to explore the world because the world is your stage.” The display had articles and pictures that showcased areas in America, Europe, Asia and Taiwan. (Article written by Yi-mei Chen, Picture taken by Guo-en Huang)

NO.933 | 更新時間:2014-06-03 | 點閱:1087 | 下載:

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