學校要聞 2014-06-13

Tamkang University’s International Student Dragon Boat Competition

For the first time Tamkang University had an international student team compete in the dragon boat competition. On May 31st at Aodi Harbor located in New Taipei City’s Gongliao District, the Dragon Boat Festival boat race took place, letting both observers and participants experience a crucial piece of Taiwan’s heritage and tradition. Dean of the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Pei-wha Chilee, expressed, “Throughout the years we’ve had many overseas exchange students come and watch this exciting event. I’m very glad that this year they were able to do more than just observe. I think such an involving experience will be a lifetime memory and it will also have a positive effect on Taiwan.”

There were twenty international students that participated in this event. Even though they didn’t win any prizes, they definitely obtained an invaluable experience. First-year Malaysian student of the Department of Mass Communication, Sheng-jian Zhang, stated, “This is my first time in a dragon boat competition. Our team has students from all over the world and we have had very little time to know each other, but the experience has created a bond of trust in a very short amount of time. It’s been a great experience.”(Article written by Yi-wan Lu, Picture provided by Ya-wen Zheng)

NO.935 | 更新時間:2014-06-13 | 點閱:1183 | 下載:

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