學校要聞 2014-08-21

TKU Signs Exchange Agreement to Cooperate with 200 Enterprises

【Reported by Jia-wen Lin, Tamkang Times】In order to create an environment that allows students to come in contact with “applicable academic knowledge” TKU has cooperated with over 200 enterprises including China Airlines, HIWIN, and Fubon Bank. On July 21st a press conference/signing ceremony was held in B2 of the Sheraton Hotel, officially establishing the long-term establishment of this academic industry project. President Chia-I Chang appeared in person to sign the contract and she presented a speech along with with President of the Board of China Airlines, Huang-Hsiang Sun and President of the Board of HIWIN, Yong-cai Zhuo.

On July 21st Tamkang University held the “TKU Academic Industry Alliance Agreement” signing ceremony and over 200 enterprises were in attendance. President Flora Chia-I Chang stated, “Our university has an extensive history that has accumulated over 240,000 alumni from 50 different departments. All of the alumni have remained in contact and provided generous contributions over the years. I would like to take a moment of this ceremony to express my deepest gratitude. At the same time I would like to express my sincere appreciation of the start of this new alliance that is sure to provide countless opportunities that will prove beneficial to all parties involved. The implementation of this academic industrial study plan will provide concrete opportunities for the students and will create outstanding and dependable personnel for each enterprise.”

Huang-Hsiang Sun stated in his speech, “China Airlines is very competitive in today’s global market. In addition to improving our transportation safety all over the world, cultivation of our personnel is also a very crucial factor in our development. We at China Airlines are eagerly anticipating this academic industry opportunity so that students can become familiar with our information before graduation. This type of relationship will prove to be mutually beneficial, smoothing out the transition from school to career life.”

Yong-cai Zhuo expressed in his speech that he was honored to receive the Golden Eagle Award for TKU’s 63rd Anniversary Celebration in 2013. He stated, “Signing today’s agreement symbolizes the growing relationship between TKU and HIWIN. We wish to not only do lots of projects with the Department of Electrical Engineering, but to assist in every aspect to create powerful academic industry opportunities.” Yong-cai Zhuo stated that he believes the potential of the personnel that can be cultivated from TKU students is endless.

【Reported by Wen-yuan Zheng, Tamkang Times】Tamkang University and TransAsia Airways came together for the signing of an academic industry agreement on June 19th. Former Vice President of Administration, Po-yuan kao, expressed that his wish was that TKU could have a close relationship with the career world in terms of development and academic research. He stated that this type of strategy will ensure that the students will develop in ways beneficial to society and have a direct positive impact on our future. Manager of the Office of Human Resources of TransAsia Airways, Yi-gui Deng, expressed, “Many of our employees are graduates from TKU and their performance has been exceptional. I hope that this agreement will increase the number of TKU graduates that will become a part of our team.”

NO.937 | 更新時間:2014-08-21 | 點閱:1067 | 下載:

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