新聞萬花筒 2015-01-06

The Winter Season Brings Warm Traditions

【Reported by Xue-fen Ma, Lanyang Campus】As we enter into the winter season, we warm ourselves with traditions of all kinds. The director of the Lanyang Campus, Jyh-horng Lin and Directors and students from 4 different departments gathered together for the annual tradition of tang yuan (sweet dumplings). The event called, “Warm in Winter” was put together by students as they shared the tradition with international students, who were able to sample tang yuan for the first time.

Second year student of the Department of Tourism Management, Yi-jie Lin, stated, “Everyone in the dormitory eats tang yuan during the winter time to keep warm. It’s great to share traditional Chinese culture with overseas students.” First-year student of the Department of Political Economics, Rou-liang Liu, stated, “It’s great to have a feeling of being home around this time of year.”

Lanyang Campus held their annual Christmas celebration on December 24th in the Clement Chang Building Complex. The students celebrated underneath snowflake decorations and an assortment of Christmas lights as they watched musical performances and plays. Director Jyh-horng Lin and the directors of the four different departments sang along cheerfully as they expressed wishes for Christmas and the new year. Second-year student of the Department of Political Economics, Guo-wei Li, expressed, “Christmas is a very important holiday for westerners. I hope all of the exchange students can feel at home for this holiday season.”

NO.953 | 更新時間:2015-01-06 | 點閱:1017 | 下載:

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