學校要聞 2015-03-13

70 Tables are Set for Homecoming Banquet. Alumni will Compete in Friendly Sports Competitions of All Kinds

【Reported by Yi-mei Chen, Xue-fen Ma, Tamkang Times】The Tamkang University Spring Banquet will take place on Tamsui Campus and Lanyang Campus on March 14th. The event will begin at 9am welcoming alumni for their homecoming celebration. A sports competition of volleyball, soccer, and basketball will take place will take in the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium and students, teachers and alumni from every department are welcome. There will be an estimated 70 tables for lunch that will include every TKU alumni group. Executive Director of the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development, Chun-young Perng, stated, “There will be at least 100 people participating in this event. The highlight will be President Chang’s address and a song performance from the Female Faculty Alliance.”

【Reported by Jin-yu Cai, Bo-jun Zhuang, Ya-xuan Ji, Yi-mei Chen, Tamkang Times】On March 14th during the Spring Banquet Alumni of the Department of Electrical Engineering and President of Akira Seiki, Jun-xiang Zhang, will donate GT12 Lathes and a PC460 Drill, manufactured by his company. He will also donate equipment and academic supplies from other cooperating companies including Detron and Autocam. He mentioned that his wish is for students to have training opportunities to improve their machinery and engineering skills.

The Department of German has invited 23 Alumni from their Department to take a tour of Tamkang University’s historical artifacts and then they will attend the Spring Banquet meal at noon. The Graduate Institute of Future Studies will be holding an exchange that allows students to present their ideas about the current market place. The Department of Chemistry will be holding the 5th annual First Time Members and Spring Wine Association meeting. During the discussion they will discuss the work plans and activities for the year, creating an opportunity for the alumni and new students of the Chemistry Department to interact.

NO.957 | 更新時間:2015-03-13 | 點閱:1104 | 下載:

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