學校要聞 2015-04-24

World Book and Copyright Day

For the annual World Book and Copyright Day, Tamkang University is holding a reading and travel sharing event in the Chueh-sheng Memorial Library titled, “TKU Lib Talk” on the 23rd of April. President Flora Chia-I Chang has been invited to share her thoughts on a piece written by Gerhard Casper, “The Winds of Freedom : Addressing Challenges to the University.” Also starting from the 20th of April there will be a book display under the theme of exploring the city. The display will contain literature and films with information pertaining to lifestyle, history and development of the city.

In addition the library will be holding a display themed, “If I was a book.” For this event Associate Professor of the Department of English, Chi-szu Chen, and Assistant Professor of the College of Liberal Arts, Mei-sheng Chen, will share exciting writings and pictures regarding modern poetry and artistic innovation. Third-year student of the Department of Spanish, Jun-qin Wu, stated, “The people participating will be able to have interaction with the works of art, making it a special event.” (For more information see link http://www.lib.tku.edu.tw/) (Article written by Qi Zhuo, photographed by Zhong-yi Wu)

NO.962 | 更新時間:2015-04-24 | 點閱:897 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-29 15:36:52
  • 線上人數:8588