學校要聞 2015-12-18

Exchange Program with Japan Waves Tuition for Exceptional Students

【Hong-wei Lu, Tamsui Campus Report】The College of Engineering and the Division of Engineering of Tohoku University in Japan held a ceremony, officially signing a new exchange agreement on Dec. 10. Dean of the College of Engineering, Chii-dong Ho and Tohoku University’s Director of International Affairs, Qiang Chen, signed the contract as Dean of the College of Science, Zi-cong Zhou and Director of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shiunn-jang Chern, and other professors participated together in the event.

Chii-dong Ho expressed, “The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has had a long relationship with Tohoku University and it’s an honor to develop another program of cooperation. This agreement will offer two exchange students an opportunity to go to Japan and study, waiving the fee of tuition. This is an outstanding opportunity and will encourage students to be even more diligent. I expect the College of Science and other Colleges will follow suit and create similar agreements with other sister universities to increase the competitive ability in each student.”

NO.986 | 更新時間:2015-12-18 | 點閱:708 | 下載:

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