學校要聞 2016-03-10

TKU Enlightens High Schoolers for Math Day

On Feb. 21 the Department of Mathematics held the TKU Math Day and many professors of the department lead 45 eager high school students to participate in three activities: Popular Science Lecture, Math Computer Games and Interview Simulation.

For the popular science lecture, Associate Professor Han-ming Wu spoke on popular science statistics and the future development of big data. He emphasized the continuing trend of computers in popular science and the importance of being able analyze big data while encouraging students to keep improving their math ability. Professor Zhi-shi Pan then spoke on the golden ratio and how it related to both math and art. He continued to let students peer into the beauty that has been created from noticing the equations given to us throughout nature.

Professor Ting-hui Yang finished by giving students interview skills for their future careers. The participants were able to practice applying for a job and gain crucial job search experience. (Article written by Zhi-yue Jiang)

NO.993 | 更新時間:2016-03-10 | 點閱:570 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-10-06 19:49:36
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