學校要聞 2016-03-31

TKU Fun Team Competition on Saturday

【Kai-jun Lin, Tamsui Campus Report】The Tamkang University 2016 Spring Banquet will take place on Mar. 26 on Tamsui Campus and everyone is welcome to partake in this homecoming event. In the morning at 9am in front of the Statue of Mr. Ching-sheng Chang, President Flora Chia-I Chang will officially start the Team Games Competition, that will involve alumni of every department divided into teams for this fun activity. The competition will consist of fun challenges (dice, darts etc.) and take place in different areas on campus: the University Milestone Statue, Maritime Museum and the Water Dance Plaza.

Afterwards a luncheon is set to take place at 11am in the Student Activity Center and there is estimated to be 500 participants. Certificates of appreciation will be handed out to alumni for donations of 300,000 to 500,000 NT. Executive Director of the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development, Chun-young Perng, expressed, “This year’s team competitions will have a dancing performance in the opening ceremony to begin the games. I really look forward to seeing everyone’s participation.” On the same day, Lanyang Campus will also be holding the Lanyang Picnic for their alumni gathering at the Shao-mo Memorial Activity Center. Dean of the College of Global Development, Ay-hwa Andy Liou, expressed, “We’re holding this event to improve our alumni relations and gather our strength.”

NO.996 | 更新時間:2016-03-31 | 點閱:623 | 下載:

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