學校要聞 2016-03-31

The Taiwanese Indigenous People Student Resources Center was established

【Zhao-yu Chen, Tamsui Campus Report】In celebration of the establishment of the Taiwanese Indigenous People Student Resources Center on Mar. 1, the Office of Academic Affairs held the Taiwanese Indigenous People Welcome Home event in the Shao-mo Gymnasium. Students and professors from Tamkang University as well as other Junior Colleges were invited to partake in all of the exciting aspects of Taiwanese aboriginal culture, song, dance and beauty. President Flora Chia-I Chang attended the ceremony to encourage students as she expressed her desire to see more native Taiwanese students at TKU in the years to come.

Dean of the Office of Student Affairs, Jun-hong Lin, expressed, “In order to encourage Taiwanese Indigenous Peoples, the Ministry of Education has stated that universities with over 100 native Taiwanese students should establish an Indigenous Peoples Student Center. Here at TKU we have over 160 native Taiwanese students and have established this center to meet with the MOE policy and assist aboriginals to become more easily accustomed to their life at the university and adjust to the university curriculum while helping them prepare for their future careers.”

The event was organized and executed by the Taiwanese Indigenous People Student Club, consisting of a diverse display of culture in forms of dance, plays, arts and crafts as well as other artistic demonstrations. In addition to the participation of university professors and students, Supervisor of the Executive Yuan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples, Zong-pan Li, and other members of organizations related to indigenous affairs attended this prestigious event.

NO.996 | 更新時間:2016-03-31 | 點閱:636 | 下載:

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