學校要聞 2016-05-05

2015-16 Sophomore, Junior Counseling Forum

【Yi-xuan Lin, Tamsui Campus Report】The Counseling Section held the 2015-16 Sophomore, Junior Counseling Forum on Apr. 18 in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall. The event was hosted by Vice President of Administration, Yi-jen Hu, and Lanyang Campus attended the event via video conference. Dr. of psychiatric treatment of the Bei Tou Division of Showa University, Yueh-ming Tai, was invited to give a lecture themed, “Campus Psychological Sanitation: Depression, Anxiety and Suicide Prevention.” The sophomores, juniors and professors in attendance totalled to about 130 participants.

Yi-jen Hu expressed, “When we are faced with a changing environment, it’s the easiest time for us to get frustrated and become irritable. There are over 30,000 students and members of this university and the understanding of suicide prevention is vital.” Yueh-ming Tai began by describing fundamental data regarding depression and anxiety. Through the use of stories and examples he was able to go into intrinsic detail of the apparent symptoms that might occur. He expressed, “Everyone handles stress differently. When we receive an amount of stress that we are unable to release, it allows for depression to take place.” He mentioned that symptoms might involve delayed reactions, difficulty concentrating, suicidal thoughts and emotional outbreaks. Afterwards students and teachers were able to gain a more concrete understanding through follow up questions.

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