趨勢巨流河 2017-12-18



1.Pricing your products fairly tells consumers that you have a quality product to offer, so that it can _with other similar products in the marketplace.

(A) compete (B) compute (C) complete (D) compote

2._Thursday, November 23, Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday, a day for all people, religions and cultures in the country to give thanks.

(A) On (B) In (C) With (D) From

3,Many people_ the death penalty because of the possibility of miscarriages of justice.

(A) supposed (B) opposed (C ) imposed (D) reposed

4.During the meeting, the boss had her secretary _ a summary of the discussion.

(A) report (B) to report (C) reporting (D) reported


1.(A),compete 動詞 表示「競爭」;compute 動詞表示「用機器計算」;complete 動詞表示 「使完整;使完全;使完美」;compote 名詞 表示「糖漬水果,水果蜜餞」。

2.(A),介系詞on指的是特定的日期或某一 天。

3.(B),suppose 動詞表示「認為可能,料想,猜想」;oppose動詞表示「反對;反抗;抵制」;impose動詞表示「推行;強制實行」;repose動詞表示「休息;臥眠」。


NO.1055 | 更新時間:2018-04-22 | 點閱:1070 | 下載:

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