趨勢巨流河 2019-03-04


●張淑芬 (助理教授)


1. If you need help arranging _ and buying tickets, we are happy to help you for a small booking fee.

(A) to transport (B) transported

(C) transporting (D) transportation

2. The Board of Directors regards Mr. Thomas' leadership as one of _ greatest assets.

(A) the company's (B) they're

(C) those (D) its own

3. We've been trying to phone Mrs. Jones all day, but I just can't seem to _.

(A) put through (B) deal with

(C) get through (D) talk to

4. Failure to close a deal with a big corporation might result in_.

(A) display (B) discount

(C) disagree (D) dismissal

5. Last month many netizens_the president for his mishandling of the rescue


(A) criticism (B) censored

(C) criticized (D) censure

6.She_over as manager two weeks ago.

(A) take (B) takes

(C) took (D) will take

7. Most products that arrive here are subject_customs duties, but these items will probably be exempt.

(A) to (B) of C) for (D) with


1.(D),本題考平行結構。由句意 「若您需要幫忙安排_或購票,我們很高興為您服務」, and 用以連接前後相同的結構,可知空格須填。


3.(C) ,本題考片語。 (C)get through表示-「接通電話」。

4.(D) 本題考字彙。根據語意空格應填(D)免職、解僱;片語close a deal表示-成交,做成生意」。題意為「無法與一家大公司做成了一筆交易可能會被解僱。」。(A)表示-「展示」;(B)「表示折扣」;(C)表示-「不同意」皆不符題意。



7.(A),本題考片語be subject to sth 。

NO.1082 | 更新時間:2019-03-04 | 點閱:1437 | 下載:

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