趨勢巨流河 2021-10-24



1.Can this MacBook be loaded with something

to Windows 10 so that Word docs can be handled?

(A) equivalent (B) profitable (C) deliberate (D) instrumental

2.Coaches may be held responsible for may happen to the athletes.

(A) so much so that (B) whether (C) whatever (D) no matter

3.This information could be compared against the company's network logs to determine

employee's computer the print job came from.

(A) whose (B) which (C) when (D) where

4.Please be assured your personal information is respected and not shared externally.

(A) that (B) of (C) concerning (D) regarding

5. the week of April 15 to 19, if you purchase more than 3 books all at once, you'll receive a 500 dollar gift card.

(A) During (B) Among (C) Between (D) Under

6.Mr. D'Esposito will announce tomorrow to purchase the old church for the homeless shelter.

(A) where (B) whether (C) why (D) which

7.If your company doesn’t offer coverage, the average cost of dental insurance you buy on is between $350 and $500 a year.

(A) yourself (B) each other (C) your own (D) another



2.(C), whatever = no matter what =無論什麼。…whatever may happen to the athletes =無論運動員發生了什麼事。

3.(B),determine後面加名詞子句,原應為the print job came from which employee's computer。

4.( A ),句型be assured that + S + V =我們可以保證~。


6.(B),原始名詞子句whether he will purchase ~ 濃縮成名詞片語whether to purchase ~。

7.(C),on your own =你自己= by yourself。


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NO.1130 B | 更新時間:2021-10-24 | 點閱:632 | 下載:

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