趨勢巨流河 2023-03-05


1. After_____ for several hours, the board of directors decided to reject the proposed changes.

(A) referring (B) inferring (C) conferring (D) preferring

2.Owing to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, consumers have been vying_____rubbing alcohol to fight the epidemic which has led to an island-wide shortage.

(A) for (B) by (C) in (D) through

3.He decided to devote himself to______in the field of education as a professional Burmese language teacher.

(A) work (B) worked (C) works (D) working

4._____the extremely violent scenes in the show, some elementary schools have urged parents not to let children watch “Squid Game,” worrying that kids may copy the dangerous playground games.

(A) As (B) Because (C) Since (D) Due to



2.【答案】(A) ,本題考片語vie for競爭;爭奪,句意「新冠病毒疫情延燒,民眾對酒精的需求大幅增加。」

3.【答案】(D) ,本題考片語devote to + Ving / N (ph.) 致力於...,句意「他開始投入教育工作,擔任一名專業的緬甸語教學人員。」

4.【答案】(D) ,本題考片本題考表達因果關的連接詞,Due to接「名詞」或具有名詞性質的片語,句意為「因劇中不少場景太過殘暴,有些小學力勸家長不要讓小孩觀賞《魷魚遊戲》,並擔心孩子可能會模仿那些危險的大地遊戲。」

NO.1159 A | 更新時間:2023-03-05 | 點閱:471 | 下載:

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