NO. 619


Ministry of Education (MOE) has commissioned Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association to do the 2005 school year evaluation of the teacher education programs in various universities and colleges. In this evaluation, TKU's Center for Teacher Education won first prizes in the "Division of High School Education" and "Division of Elementary School Education."

There are 22 national universities and 37 private universities attending this assessment. The subjects of evaluation are include "Division of High School Education," "Division of Elementary Education," and "Division of Kindergarten Education." 19 schools' programs are assessed with first prizes. In addition to TKU, the other school that wins double first prizes is Tainan Woman's College of Arts & Technology, which excels others in "Division of Elementary School Education" and "Division of Kindergarten Education."

Director General of this assessment, Dr. Yang Kuo-shih, former President of National Chiayi University, indicates that some private univsities' teacher education programs excel that of national universities. And MOE will command five schools to close their teacher education programs next year, for being evaluated as "the third level."

The alumni who completed their teacher education program in TKU's CFTE perform brilliantly in their educational fields. Mr. Wang Ming-te, graduate of the 4th program term, led his students to win the first prize for Competition of English Short Play, and was awarded by Nantou County government with prize of Distinguished Teacher. Wang Wen-hsiu, graduate of the 2nd program term, won the first prize in Greateach 2004 National Competition for Creative Education. There are many TKU alumni won recognition by MOE for their contribution in school as well as community education. Still other alumni lead their students to win prizes in international and national competitions.

Prof. Lee Li-chun, Director of Center for Teacher Education, indicates that there is no easy work to win such an honor. Many schools regard teacher education programs as "part time job" for some of their faculty, whereas TKU assembles the best of them to do this job. In addition, TKU affords resourceful educational facilities, screen their students seriously, designs the programs multi-culturally, and conducts the courses practically, so that every student in this program can substantiate sound theories with real-time practices. In this way, TKU has won the trust from various high schools and elementary schools, and they automatically provide chances for internship.

Facing the problem of saturation of teacher resource, TKU's CFTE has decided to reduce the maximum student number for both "high school" and "elementary school" program to 135 each. On the other hand, CFTE also plan to motivate the students to teach in the overseas Chinese-speaking areas. Presently, there are two graduates teaching in abroad. Ms. Lin Chia-chen teaches in a Chinese language school in Malasia. Ms. Chan En-chi teaches in Kunshan, Shanghai. Professor Lee Li-chun adds that "there is an urgent need for teachers to teach children of Taiwanese businessmen in many foreign countries. Hence, students of this program should not restrict themselves in local school. The certificate issued by this program may be very useful for them to apply job in either make-up education or enterprise." (~ Chi-szu Chen )

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