NO. 619


To celebrate the 55th TKU anniversary, Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center(CCFAC) will host a "Beauty of Tamsui" painting exhibition from November 3 to December 30, 2005. The diverse creative works will demonstrate the aesthetic aspects of this small but ancient town. So far, the center has recruited about 70 pieces of works.

According to the Center, since last spring vacation, TKU has invited artists to tour the Tamsui town as well as TKU campus and then create art works from their inspiration in any media according to individual favor. Presently, CCFAC has collected works by the media of water color, ink, ink and color, oil, tempera, flower flattening. Many artists were fascinated the landscape around the lovely garden-Chueh Hsuan. And many of them painted this garden from different perspectives in diverse styles and media.

Last Monday (October 3), Li Chi-mao, Director of CCFAC invited famous ink painters, Tsai Yu, Pai Tsung-jen, Yen Sheng-che, Lee Chai-yi, Chen Jo-hui, Huang Ching, Wu Chin-cheng, and Chao Chi-hsung to gather on Chueh Sheng International Conference Hall, on the 11th floor of Chueh Sheng Building to have a wonderful bird view of Tamsui and TKU campus. They were invited to do a join-creation of a Chinese ink painting scroll by 120 cm X 240 cm and an individual creation about Tamsui.

The invited artists praised the beauty of Tamsui landscape while they sketched the views out of the window-Kuan Yin Mountain, Ta Tuen Mountain, the intersection between river and sea, paths among woods, palace-styled classrooms, swimming pool.

In one painting of pine tree, President C. I. Chang initiated the brush and continued by other artists. A painting of Chinese wisteria by Huang Chin was highly recommended by Director Li with "bright colors and lively spirit." All the works from this gathering will be displayed in the coming "Beauty of Tamsui" joint exhibition. (~ Chi-szu Chen )

NO.619 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1733 | Download:

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