NO. 936

TKU Forms Alliance with Four High Schools

【Reported by Qi Zhuo】On June 18th Tamkang University and four high schools from New Taipei City formed an academic alliance. The schools include Jin He High School, Yong Ping High School, Zhu Wei Gao Ji High School and Yong Quan Gao Ji High School. Tamkang University signed this agreement in order to create more opportunities for the future. The agreement was signed by President Flora Chia-I Chang who also hosted the event.

Dean of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, expressed, “It is my hope that this alliance can create a model of cooperation as we combine our resources, promote the development of excellence and increase our students’ competitive abilities.” Huan-chao Keh mentioned that the schools will work together for an extended period of time, assisting in areas such as Multidisciplinary Ability Assessment, Specified Subject Testing and High School Level English Listening Exams. Huan-chao Keh also stated that the cooperation would cover five main areas: curriculum support, professor development, social group cooperation, fundamental development and international education.

President Flora Chia-I Chang stated, “This alliance has been brought together in accordance of the Ministry of Education’s plan of the University and High School Academic Unification Project and also the Sharing of Regional Academic Resources Project. We at Tamkang University wholeheartedly welcome these four schools into our academic family.” After President Chang’s speech the four high school principals offered their gratitude to Tamkang University for this opportunity and stated that they eagerly anticipate working together.

NO.936 | Update:2014-06-24 | Clicks:867 | Download:

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