NO. 936

Online Blessings and Congratulations from the Alumni Groups

President of Tamkang University Worldwide Federation of Alumni Association Dr. Loo Soon-

Congratulations everyone, it’s such an honor to complete your studies. Stay humble, polite and do your best to take your experiences and skills into the career world. I wish you great success.

President of the Alumni Association of Tamkang University in Taipei, Ding-chuan Chen-

Congratulations on graduating. Welcome to the alumni association. The older alumni will always take good care of our newer members. Your greatest asset will always be the connections you make with other people. Utilize that resource. I hope you can find a great career that shows off your skills. Never be afraid to meet a challenge and you are sure to succeed.

President of Tamkang University Worldwide Federation of Alumni Association, Jui-lung Sun-

First I would like to congratulate everyone on reaching this significant benchmark of their life. The life at the university is a very unique experience. The title of Tamkang University Alumni will never change. It will be with you in every path that you choose. Remember that you are representing TKU as you bring honor to your future.

President of the Board of Trustees of the NTU Alumni Association, Chau-jia Wang-

The environment of today’s society is always changing, intensifying and becoming more competitive. I hope that as you enter into this new environment you maintain humble attitudes and continue to work hard as you learn and observe. Make great relationships and make your effort your personal contribution to the world.

Vice President of the Board of Trustees of the Alumni Association and President of the Tainan University Alumni Association, Shuang-xi Chen-

Always live an honest life, be kind to people and do your best to do the right thing. Bring honor to yourselves as you become a part of something special. Best wishes.

President of the Board of Trustees of the Tai Chung City Alumni Association, Qin-nong Lin-

I hope you are proud of the time you have had at Tamkang University because TKU is certainly proud of you! Chase after the spirit of excellence throughout your life, be grateful and cherish all of your blessings. Welcome to the alumni association.

President of the Board of Trustees of the Alumni Association of the Department of Chinese Literature, Hsiu-mei Chen-

Tamkang University is in our memories, it is also the root of our many accomplishments. I hope that this experience will bless your every day in the future.

President of the Alumni Association of the Department of Water Resources and Envronmental Energy, Shih-piao Ni-

Congratulations everyone. I wish you all the best success and I hope you spread the spirit of the university throughout the world.

President of the Alumni Association of the Department of Insurance, Woody C.F Chang-

Set your ideas higher and your visions further. Don’t settle for small and cheap profits that will not satisfy your true aspirations of the future. You will be great.

President of the Alumni Association of the Department of Statistics, Shu-chen Hu-

This society is a rapidly changing society. Continue learning so that you can adapt to every challenge that is presented to you in the future.

President of the Alumni Association of the Department of Public Administration, Shi-jian Chen-

I wish great success to you all. Adopt and international perception of the world and continue to increase your language abilities so that you can offer services to other countries in need. Use what you have learned to form a more magnificent world.

President of the Alumni Association of the Department of EMBA, Yi-ming Hsu-

I will give you some of my important lessons I’ve learned gathered from 20 years of working: take advantage of opportunities, actively learn!, never lose your dream, your attitude determines your value, and finish every project you start. I wish you the best of luck.

President of the Alumni Association of the Department of English, Kenneth Hou-

There is a reason that graduates of TKU have been named number one for 17 years in a row as prefered employees. The reason is a great attitude, excellent achievements and stability. Also remember to keep improving and raising your language abilities. Be bold enough to speak out and you will go far.

President of the Alumni Association of the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Chin-yi Lai-

Four things you should remember: Seek knowledge, be assertive, complete all things you do, and be kind.

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