第 1183 期 圖片資訊

Information and Communication Department's Ting-Yu Wang to Attend Cannes Creativity Festival in June

資傳三王廷羽在兼任講師賴治怡鼓勵下,參加2024Taiwan Young Lions/Young Spikes/坎城創辦人學院三合一競賽,入選全球30位學生。(圖/王廷羽提供)

Under the encouragement of adjunct lecturer Chih-I Lai, Ting-Yu Wang, a junior in the Department of Information and Communications, participated in the 2024 Taiwan Young Lions/Young Spikes/RHSA24 combined competition and was selected as one of 30 students worldwide.

690.66 KB , 894 * 902 | 點閱:109 | 申請圖片 | 分類: 學生得獎教職員工淡水校園

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  • 更新日期:2024-07-10 15:19:12
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