第 944 期 圖片資訊

High Table住宿院生與師長400人晚宴
The High Table Dinner Has 400 Guests

校長張家宜(左四)、學術副校長葛煥昭(左五)、國際事務副校長戴萬欽(左三)與教務長鄭東文(左二)親赴蘭陽High Table Dinner,校園主任林志鴻(前排右一)引領師生與之合影。(圖/紀彥竹提供)

President Flora Chia-I Chang (fourth on the left), Vice President of Student Affairs, Huan-chao Keh (firth on the left), Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai (third on the left), Dean of Academic Affairs, Tung-wen Chung (second on the left), take a picture together for the 2014 High Table Dinner. (Picture provided by Yan-zhu Ji)

20.89 MB , 6001 * 3377 | 點閱:1024 | 申請圖片 | 分類: 行政教職員工學生教學蘭陽校園

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  • 更新日期:2024-10-05 12:31:52
  • 線上人數:2538