第 818 期 圖片資訊

台日書法交流 e筆神技 讚嘆聲不斷
Chinese Calligraphy Dazzles Japanese Visitors


On March 24, 18 students from Japan’s Meisei Gakuin University and college-based Chinese calligraphy clubs in Japan came to Tamsui to visit TKU’s Research Office of Chinese Calligraphy. They were received by the Deputy Director of the TKU Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center and Director of the TKU Research Office of Chinese Calligraphy, Professor Chang Bing-huang, who personally demonstrated traditional Chinese calligraphy and led the visitors in using TKU’s pioneering E-calligraphy system.

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  • 更新日期:2024-12-20 20:23:51
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