英文電子報 2009-05-11


Liu Wen-hsiu, a student in the Department of Accounting’s postgraduate program became one of the Taiwan qualifiers for Championship Round of the Worldwide competition on Microsoft Office. In the islandwide contest, Liu won the Taiwan champion for Microsoft Excel and the runner-up for Microsoft Word, a preliminary round competition organized by the Elite Information Technology Company. She was awarded certificates and a Xbox 360(TM) Console as well as a 3D Max software. Liu will represent her country at the 2009 Worldwide Competition on Microsoft Office to be held on July in Toronto, Canada, competing with the best candidates from 70 countries around the globe. Together with two TKU students, Liu joined the Taiwan Preliminary round, competing with a total number of more than 1000 participants.

Liu said that during the nationwide competition, she was doing quite well at the early stage of the game. However, she faced difficulties as the game moved on. But she immediately recalled that her advisor Chen Chih-yang, an instructor in TKU’s Department of Science and Information Technology, has once told her that they have done enough preparation for the competition that if Liu cannot answer any of the question, on one else can. “I promptly regained my confidence and finished answering all the questions at the last minute,” Liu said. Liu added that she was happy that she can won the title again for TKU while expressing gratitude for Chen’s instruction. This is the third consecutive years that a TKU student have won national championship in the preliminary round of the Worldwide competition on Microsoft Office.

Liu disclosed that she was facing tremendous pressure in preparation for the competition since TKU has previously won two championships already. “It was because of Chen who continuously cheer me up during the whole contest that I was able to excel in the game.”

Liu’s instructor Chen, who had won the third prize in the Excel category of the competition in 2007 Worldwide Competition on Microsoft Office, said that he was really happy to help Liu win the national contest, who had undergone. Chen would like to thank the university’s Information Progressing Center’s assistance during the preparation for the competition. Facing the upcoming worldwide contest, Chen said that the key to victory is to fully understand the questions in the competition. Liu said that she is confident that under Chen’s instruction, she will do very well in the July’s game. ( ~Yeh Yun-kai )

NO.751 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1870 | 下載:

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