學校要聞 2013-03-12

Expanding Cooperation with Doshisha University

Tamkang University is set to expand its academic relationship with Japan’s Doshisha University. Last month, the TKU College of Foreign Languages and Literatures signed a student exchange agreement with Doshisha that will involve both short and long-term exchange programs. Moreover, 31 Doshisha teachers and students recently visited TKU, where they showcased their research papers and took a tour of the local Tamsui scenery.

The Dean of the TKU College of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Dr. Wu Hsi-Deh, explained that “TKU enjoys a close relationship with Doshisha’s Director of International Affairs, Prof Yamauchi. The recent visit by Doshisha represents a mutual desire to expand this relationship”.

NO.886 | 更新時間:2013-03-12 | 點閱:1398 | 下載:

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