學校要聞 2013-05-20

A Buddhist Exhibition at Tamkang

From April 30 to May 3, a joint exhibition on Buddhism was held at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall, Tamsui Campus. The exhibition allowed students to experience various Buddhist rituals, such as Bathing the Buddha - a custom carried out with utmost reverence - in which one ladels water over the shoulders of a wooden Buddha sculpture, as a sign of caring for the Buddha and to commemorate his birthday. There was also a deep basket filled with miniature scrolls, each one inscribed with an aphorism intended to unlock a vein of wisdom in the person who picks it out.

Many people also came to the exhibition to try some of the delicious - and free - vegetarian food. The President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, who attended the exhibition's opening ceremony, proclaimed: "Buddhism allows pracitioners to still their minds and alleviate stress and pressure".

NO.894 | 更新時間:2013-05-20 | 點閱:1240 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-05-04 20:54:27
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