學校要聞 2013-12-04

Indiana University’s Dr. Bonk Gives Lecture On Technology and Education

【Reported by Qian-Wen Pan, Tamkang Times】Last week on November 18th, the College of Education invited Dr. Curtis J. Bonk from Indiana University, to give a lecture on new academic teaching approaches through technology. One of the teaching approaches refers to “Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)”. President Flora Chia-I Chang stated that she was honored to be able to invite Dr. Curtis J. Bonk to give a lecture. She stated, “After seeing him in action I thought it best to invited him to help our educational system to become more thorough and complete.”

Dr. Curtis J. Bonk announced that his desire was for educational resources to become accessible worldwide. His inspiration was to create an open university-level curriculum that could be accessed online for adult students or students in third world countries that lack sufficient educational resources. Even students that lack the funds to attend a university can freely learn from this online program. Dr. Bonk described his online academic curriculum and mentioned that students could also learn directly from teachers in forums and chat rooms for direct interaction. He emphasized that an education could be taught through every aspect with the use of modern technology. Dr. Bonk noted that many universities have already begun participating on this online forum including Harvard University and Taiwan University.

NO.912 | 更新時間:2013-12-04 | 點閱:1106 | 下載:

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