學校要聞 2013-12-06

Sensible Readers Competiton

【Reported by Jing-Ya Su, Tamkang Times】The Chueh-sheng Memorial Library and the Center for Learning and Teaching came together to establish the “Sensible Readers” competition. This event is designed to encourage extracurricular reading and create a more dynamic reading atmosphere on campus. The participants will have to read specific books or E-books and then present them on this online site, (http://eportfolio.tku.edu.tw) accumulating stickers that indicate their reading progress. Chien-lan Lee, from the Center for Learning and Teaching stated, “In order to encourage students to read materials from different courses, we have invited students that read materials related to finance to share their studies at the Chueh-sheng Memorial Library for a chance to win a prize.”

The deadline for this reading competition is on February 21st, 2014. The top 50 students in the competition will receive 100 NT each, students from 4th place to 10th place will be rewarded with 500 NT and the top 3 students will take home 3,100 NT apiece. For more information visit the link at (http://enroll.tku.edu.tw/course.aspx?cid=read102(1)_01)

NO.913 | 更新時間:2013-12-06 | 點閱:1161 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-05-05 21:41:38
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