學校要聞 2016-03-24

The Genio Dance Troupe Hits the Stage at TKU

Tamkang’s season of art was celebrated in the Carrie Chang Music Hall on Mar. 10 and the leader of the Genio Dance Troupe, Lian-huan Ho, began the opening ceremony her artistic story, “About Love, Dance, Land and Life.” She introduced that her dance was a blend of the indigenous Bunun People of Taiwan and Flamenco Dance, which was created to encourage the victims of the the devastating typhoon, Morakot. She passionately displayed her emotions in a graceful, powerful dance for 10 minutes, invigorating the audience.

After her performance, she encouraged everyone by saying, “Believe in love and know that your potential has no bounds.” If you missed this performance, be sure to stay tuned for the next exciting show taking place on Mar. 24. The Muniyu Choir will be performing original Taiwanese compositions. Tickets will be handed out at the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, starting from Mar. 17 (two ticket limit per person). Hurry and get a ticket while seats are still available. (Written by Zhao-yu Chen)

NO.995 | 更新時間:2016-03-24 | 點閱:568 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-30 20:08:42
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