NO. 597


According to the statistics of Office of Research and Development, TKU totally submits 449 cases of application for National Science Council Projects in 2005 school year. The overall application rate is 64.4 %, and is 15 cases more than last year (434 cases). The results of applications will be announced between June and August.

College of Engineering ranks the highest in application—109.7%, with 147 cases by 134 professors—and many teachers submit two and even three applications. Ranked as the second is College of Education—94.2%; the third, College of Management—85.7%. The latter two colleges advance much higher than before, which indicates the progress of research atmosphere.

Many departments and research institutes reach higher than 100%:

College of Liberal Arts:

Graduate Institute Of Chinese Linguistics and Documentation

College of Sciences:

Graduate Institute of Life Sciences

College of Engineering:

Department of Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering

Department Of Aerospace Engineering

Department Of Computer Science And Information Engineering

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering

College of Management:

Department of Transportation Management

Department of Management Sciences and Decision Making

College of International Studies:

Graduate Institute of Japanese Studies

College of Education:

Graduate Institute of Educational Psychology and Counseling

Graduate Institute of Future Studies

Center for Higher Education Research and Evaluation

Department of Eduactional Technology

The institutes without submitting any proposal for this year include:

College of Foreign Languages and Literatures:

Department of German

College of Technology:

Department of Practical Japanese

Department of Management

College of International Studies:

Graduate Institute of China Studies

The school encourage full-time faculty devote more time in researches, searching for research funds and promoting research status. (~Chi-szu Chen)

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