第 939 期 圖片資訊

敬師 謝師 滿懷師恩

大傳系教授趙雅麗結束休假,開學重返講臺。16日,第一堂課上,有一群大傳系第2屆校友們意外現身獻花,讓趙雅麗(左一)驚喜不已,30年師生情誼,感動教室內所有人。 圖為臺北市政府前觀光傳播局局長趙心屏(左二)、中華職棒大聯盟代理秘書長王惠民(左三),及台視新聞部製播中心副主任張淳盈(左四)等人滿懷師恩,在課堂開講前,齊聚謝師。(文/趙巧婷、圖/沈浩懷提供)

Professor of the Department of Mass Media, Yali (First on the left), gave a speech. He was pleasantly surprised to see so many alumni. Chief of the Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei Government, Hsin-ping Chao (second on the left), Exclusive General Secretary of the Chinese Professional Baseball League, Hui-min Wang (third on the left) and Associate Director of the International Broadcasting Center, Karen Chang attend lecture together. (Written by Qiao-ting Chao/ Picture provided by Hao-huai Chen)

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  • 更新日期:2024-10-23 18:33:05
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