英文電子報 2004-10-25


The Welfare Committee for the Employees had invited all TKU faculty and staff to visit the Lanyang Campus on two separate dates. The first one took place on October 15, whereas the second on October 19. Interestingly, there was an earthquake in the first trip and a typhoon in the second trip. Tseng Chen-yuan, the Director of Chiao-hsi Office, however, is not superstitious about these coincidences. He said good-humorously that it was simply the power of nature. In particular, when it rains about 270 days per year in Lanyang, it was no surprise that it rained on the 19th during the second trip.

The rain did not dampen the enthusiasm of the 60 strong visiting faulty and staff who traveled with two tour buses. The Chair of the Committee, Huang Wen-chih, whose view is representative, considers the whole trip worthwhile as seeing is believing after having read numerous articles in the press about the wonder of the new campus construction.

Director Tseng showed everyone around in strong gales and rain, explaining the architecture and engineering involved. Wu Hsiu-chuan, an administrative secretary from the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Affairs was deeply impressed and would have enjoyed seeing more had it not been for the weather. She believes the beauty of the surrounding landscape could be better appreciated under clear skies. Despite the poor weather conditions, visitors could see the shape of the roads around the campus and sites of some key buildings.

Picture: Tseng Chen-yuan, the Director of Chiao-hsi Office was explaining the construction and design of the campus in the rain to the faculty and staff of TKU.

NO.586 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1649 | 下載:

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