The construction projects of Lanyang Campus is to be completed recently. The use permit for classrooms, conference rooms, offices, is under certification by Yilan County Government, and is to be authorized this week. And the license to use the dormitory is expected to be accredited by October 15.
Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Kao Po-yuan, and Dean of General Affairs, Dr. Hung Ching-jen, reviewed the progress of the construction again on September 19. Dean Hong indicates that the main architectural structure is completed, and the present work is to clear the waste dumps and landscape the environment.
Lanyang Campus is generally divided into educational and residential areas. The former consists of conference halls, medical rooms, staff offices, computer labs, distance education classrooms, library, and student club rooms. To give a sense of homely residence, the latter contain small shopping center, 448 dormitory rooms for students and school staffs. As for transportation, the second link-out road is completed.
The landscaping of the overall environment is commissioned to Chia Tai Construction Council Company with a geographical monitoring system of the mountain slopes. Its progress and outcome are submitted to be evaluated by Environmental Protection Bureau. The acclaimed “Green Architecture Certificate” for the new campus is expected to be received in November.
In addition, Dean Hung adds that the trees planted by presidents of TKU’s sister universities five years ago are moved to a newly designed “Park of Global Wisdom” to join with diverse plants from different continents. Presidents from our sister universities are invited to visit Lanyang Campus in the coming 55th anniversary. (~Chi-szu Chen )