英文電子報 2006-09-18


One of the beautiful Chinese Banyans (Focus Microcarpa L.f.) on campus is fatally ill. This one is right by the Maritime Museum, which has been diagnosed with brown root disease. It has been losing leaves drastically and is waiting to be cut down.

For a lot of students, staff and faulty members who often go past the Engineering Building, it is kind of sad to see this 30 years old tree go. Unfortunately, the damages caused by the disease are beyond resurrection. Nonetheless, according to Cheng Chuan-chieh, the Section Chief of the General Services Section, the university will handle this matter as delicately as possible. They will try to minimize the loss by finding a replacement first, so that the disappearance of the tree will not be too sudden. Furthermore, for preventing further loss as such, more checkups on all the trees on campus have been ordered.

NO.652 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1696 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-04-29 15:36:52
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