英文電子報 2006-11-04


The opening ceremony for “The Beauty of Lanyang: Fine Arts Exhibition” was held on 4:45 p.m., at Lanyang Campus. Some 75 artists, including Lee Chi-mao, Director of Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center (CCFAC), two resident artists, Chao Cheng and Lin Miao-keng, Cho Jung-yuan, Lee Chong-jen, Tsai Yu, with 110 pieces of work, illustrate the spectacular views around the campus.

To celebrate the 56th school anniversary, CCFAC invited 72 artists to visit Lanyang campus in September. Last month, the center invited painters Shen Cheng, Chang Chun-fa, and other noted artists to the center to demonstrate their appreciation of the beauty of Lanyang campus, such as the views of Clement Chang International Conference Hall, Kueishan Isle (Turtle Isle), Chiaohsi, and Linmei Mt. The varieties of media include oil painting, watercolor, Chinese ink, termpera, calligraphy, digital print, and photography. This two activities have collected many wonderful works, which will be donated to TKU after they are exhibited at the corridors of international conference hall, the wall of library, Multimedia Room 501. They will be moved to Tamsui campus for exhibition on December 3.

Director Lee Chi-mao indicated that though the surrounding landscaping was not completely finished during the time of the tour, “these artists have planted trees and flowers for our campus with their artistic visions!” He wished that next year there would be chances for the students to gather with the artists in the campus, and they may in return paint the gathering scene in the great garden.

Exhibited artists and local celebrities, were invited to attend the opening ceremony and tea party for the exhibition. The participants include Liao Shong-shu, Director of Yilan Fine Arts Studies Association, Lee Long-yun, Director of Yilan Photography Association, Lin Hsing, Lanyang Fine Arts Studies Association, Lai Min-jun, Executive of Ching His Literature and Arts Association, Lee Chieh-hsing, President of ST. Mary's Medicine Nursing and Management College, Liu Yung-shui, President of National Tou Cheng Home Economics and Commercial Vocational High School. CCFAC had ordered two vehicles to drive many painters, such as Cho Jung-yuan, Tseng Hsian-long, and Wang Lan-hsiung, to attend the gathering. (~ Chen Chi-szu )

NO.659 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2419 | 下載:

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