專題報導 2003-06-09


Break a Leg, Macbeth!

Since the beginning of its long history, theatre1 has seen many accidents and disasters. It is therefore small wonder2 that superstitions3 abound4 in this profession.

The rationale5 behind some common theatrical superstitions may not be self-evident6. For example, it is considered unlucky to rehearse7 the curtain call8 before the dress rehearsal9. So is whistling in the dressing room10. Having real flowers on stage is regarded as very unlucky unless they are offered to the leading lady11 at the curtain call. There could be a practical reason behind this superstition, though: under the hot stage lights, petals12 may fall on the floor and cause the actors to slip13. Besides, real flowers could simply be too expensive to replace for each performance.

One of the most famous superstitions involves Shakespeare's great tragedy Macbeth14. Many actors consider it bad luck to refer to this play by name unless it is actually being produced. Instead, people would call it The Scottish Play, That Play, or The Unmentionable15.

No actor wants to hear "good luck" before a performance16: the term is believed to have exactly the opposite effect. "Break a leg!"17 is a welcome alternative18.


Bill: Will you come and see me in The Scottish Play next Saturday?

Betty: Sure. Which part are you playing?

Bill: The First Murderer. It's not a big part, but I'm nervous all the same.

Betty: Don't worry. Break a leg!

1.theatre (theater) (n.) 劇場,舞台,戲劇界。2.small wonder 不足為怪,怪不得。3.superstition (n.) 迷信。4. to abound (v.) 大量存在。5.rationale (n.) 理由。6. self-evident (adj.) 清楚的,無須再多做解釋的。7. to rehearse (v.) 排練。8. curtain call (n.) 謝幕。9. dress rehearsal (n.) 正式演出前最後一次彩排。10. whistling in the dressing room (n.) 在更衣化妝間裡吹口哨。11. leading lady (n.) 女主角。12. petals (n.) 花瓣。13. to slip (v.) 滑一跤。14. Macbeth 《馬克白》,莎士比亞的四大悲劇之一,敘述野心勃勃的馬克白夫婦,為了篡奪王位,謀殺了國王,但最後遭到反抗軍消滅。場景設在蘇格蘭,因此被稱為《蘇格蘭劇》。15. unmentionable (adj.) 不宜〈不可〉提起的。16. performance (n.) 演出 17. Break a leg! 祝你摔斷腿!因為祝演員好運,會給他帶來壞運,所以許個相反的願,負負得正。18. alternative (n.) 可選擇的方案、方法,東西。


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