英文電子報 2008-03-03


A friendly contest between the Taiwan National Water Life Saving Association (NWLSA) and National University of Singapore (NUS) was held last Monday (2/25) at TKU. Shen Lai-Fu, the coach of the life saving team of NUS expressed his heartfelt thank to TKU for hosting such an event at the reception that proceeded the contest. He praised the dedication Tamkang put in promoting life saving skills and hoped to reciprocate Tamkang’s hospitability in the near future. At the reception, Dr. Chen Kan Nan, the Vice President for Academic Exchange of TKU, presented gifts and souvenirs to the members of NUS team. The chair of TKU Life Saving Student Association, Wong Rei-hsiang, a graduate student from the Institute of American Studies, also introduced his club to guests and exchanged jerseys at the reception.

The categories in the contest included the regular but important ones, such as Obstacle Swim Relay, Rope Throw, and Mankin Carry with Fin. The competition went smoothly and allowed team members to get acquainted with one another as well as learning new skills, Chang Chin-ming, the captain of NUS team, commented.

For instance, Wu I-fen, a former champion of rope throwing in one of the Asian Pacific Life Saving Championships, who is also the adviser to TKU swimming team, demonstrated some difficult and high standard rope throwing skills, wowing the audience with his precision and strength. Wong Ya-li, a team member of NWLSA, summed up the event with the big smile, and considered herself lucky to be a part of it. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.705 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1927 | 下載:

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