英文電子報 2008-06-02


After last “election week,” the result of the elections of 14th Student Association, and 21st Student Assembly, comes out. Lian Yu-hao, junior of Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering was elected as student president. Chen Yi-hua, freshman of Department of Public Administration is elected as vice student president. Besides, all 30 councilor nominees were elected to the 21st Student Assembly. The voting rates of the two elections are the highest in the recent years.

Though Lian Yu-hao and Chen Yi-Hua are the only nominated group, they still need votes from 15 % of all students to pass the election. There are 5653 students voting this year, and the voting rate 21.33 %, marking the highest record in three years. Lian Yu-hao and Chen Yi-hua express that they are quite happy. “We worried that the voting rate does not go beyond 15%, so we canvass votes crazily these days.” At the night of counting and announcing the ballot, they stared at the ballot poster and worried till the latest vote is announced.

Lian Yu-Hao appreciates and says, “Everyone gives us the beginning of our dream. Your votes will be the energy for the efforts of our next year, and please give us your comments continually. We need to hear your voices.” Next semester, student association set into the fist mission is to ban smoking step by step, and increase the student club equipments in Lanyang Campus. They will do their best to secure students’ right.

The committee chairman Lai Tzu Chun, junior of Department of Banking and Finance, expresses that the student association in this academic year exposes to students more frequently through activities, which increase students’ willingness to vote. Besides, the candidates are positive to canvass voters, so the voting rate is higher than before. Furthermore, some elective stands near the third floor of Business and Management Building also successfully creates the elective atmosphere.

The total number of votes for student assembly is 4601 tickets. The voting rate reaches 16.67 %. The election committee chairman Chen Chang Jui, junior student of Department of Public Administration, expresses, “The number of the elected is the highest in recent three years. Hope the future student committee will prosper, and it will be the milestone of Tamkang student autonomy.”

Wang Hsiao Shih, junior of Department of Transportation Management, is elected with the highest votes. There are some former assembly members reelected. Lin Chia-chun, junior student of Department of Public Administration, has been elected as Speaker of the assembly for three times. He explains that he joins the election due to his worry about many assemblymen retire in this semester, and it may cause the inadequate amount of members. Therefore, he wants to do some efforts for Tamkang in his final year, and his future target is to construct student appraisal meeting. Liao Yi-Chieh, junior of Department of Banking and Finance, reelected as assemblyman, appreciates the voters, “I will fulfill my duty to let the student assembly function energetically.” As to Yuang Chu-ping, junior of Department of Public Administration, who failed in the last election but wins this time, smiles and says that he has enthusiasm towards campus democracy so that as he retired from the position of vice student president, he joins the assembly election. “I will carry out my election promise to foster the core value of campus democracy and autonomy, and let students enjoy a safe, healthy, artistic, and environment-friendly campus.” (Shelley Tang)

NO.718 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1853 | 下載:

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